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EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) is a guide and foundation of Principles, Practices and Learning Outcomes to assist early learning educators in Australia, in designing a curriculum. The Learning Outcomes are goals for children to achieve through implementation of these principles. To help all the amazing educators who visit our site and purchase from us, we've put together a lists of toys and resources, categorised by each Outcome, to help you meet the EYLF. For our lovely non educator website visitors, you can also use these Outcomes to find toys to help your child meet the developmental milestones that are outlined in the Early Years Learning Framework.
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Please make sure you have added at least $69 worth of items from any of the following brands:
Djeco, Le Toy Van, Tenderleaf, Mentari, Folkmanis, Great Pretenders, Manhattan Toys, Tikiri, Bonikka, Mamagenius, Kiddie Connect & Trybike.