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Early childhood settings broaden a child's relationships and experiences of being part of a community. Learning Outcome 2 is where children are connected with and contribute to their world, including their immediate community/environment and the broader environment. They can experience mutually enjoyable, caring and respectful relationships with others and the environment (adapted Aussie Childcare Network).
We have compiled a list of toys and resources that support Learning Outcome 2 below. To read further information on the specific components of Learning Outcome 2 and how they relate to the resources we've chosen below, scroll to the bottom of this page!
Belonging to groups & communities, rights & responsibilities necessary for active community participation.
This outcome is based on feeling part of a community and the responsibilities that come with that, such as co-operation, negotiating roles and relationships during play and group experiences, expressing themselves within the group and creating a place for other children to do so in a fair manner. This outcome includes children gradually learning to ‘read’ the behaviours of others and responding appropriately, feeling a sense of belonging and contributing through play and projects. Toys that promote social play such as role play toys or group activities that rely on each other to achieve an outcome are great ways to encourage this learning outcome.
Children respond to diversity with respect.
This outcome is based on children showing concern and tolerance for others, exploring and learning about diversity, including cultural and religious diversity, and becoming aware of connections, similarities and differences between people. Ways to encourage these developments are to provide resources such as books, dolls and other toys which encourage appreciation of differences, as well as understanding ones own background through educators exploring the culture, heritage, backgrounds and traditions of each child within the context of their community, and through exposing children to different languages and dialects.
Children become aware of fairness.
This outcome is based on children discovering and exploring connections amongst people, and becoming aware of ways in which people are included or excluded from physical and social environments. It aims to develop the ability to recognize unfairness and bias and the capacity to act with compassion and kindness.
Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.
This outcome is based on using play to investigate, project and explore new ideas, participate with others to solve problems and contribute to group outcomes. It also aims to develop an increased understanding of the interdependence between land, people, plants and animals, show growing appreciation and care for natural and constructed environments and explore relationships with other living and non-living things and observe notice and respond to change. Resources which help implement this outcome are using natural materials in the child's environment, and finding ways to enable children to care and learn from the land. Gardening resources and nature prompts and toys are a wonderful way to implement this. Choosing sustainable toys and resources is living this outcome in practice!
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Djeco, Le Toy Van, Tenderleaf, Mentari, Folkmanis, Great Pretenders, Manhattan Toys, Tikiri, Bonikka, Mamagenius, Kiddie Connect & Trybike.