Children communicate verbally and non-verbally
This outcome is achieved when children are able to communicate meaningfully and purposefully with others through verbal or non-verbal manners. It is also seen when they respond verbally or nonverbally to sensory stimuli, as well as using representations picked up from play, music, or art. This is also evident when children are able to participate in group discussions by contributing, listening, and showing understanding, and at the same time demonstrate knowledge of concepts and attributes such as measurement and quantities.
Children engage and extract meaning from texts
This is demonstrated when children listen and respond to sound and speech patterns such as stories and rhymes, as well as show the ability to sing along or chant. Children are also paying attention to visual texts and respond with relevant actions or questions. This is also achieved when children show understanding of literacy concepts such as phonics and constructed texts, as well as numeracy.
Children express meaningful ideas through various media
This outcome is shown when children use language for storytelling, whether original or adapting a cultural piece. They begin to use creative expression such as painting, drawing, drama, music, movement, and dance when conveying their ideas. Children will also be keen to experiment with other ways to express their meaningful ideas, including approximations of letters and words.
Children understand symbols and patterns
This is developed when children begin to recognize patterns and make the connections between visual and written representations. It is also when they are able to sort and categorize into collections, and understand sequences with the ability to access it from memory.
Children use technologies to expand their thinking
This is achieved when children demonstrate understanding of technology in everyday life. It is when they recognize that technology is a tool that can help them learn by using it to access information, communicate with others, as well as use it for fun.