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Loose Parts can come from manufactured, recycled or natural pieces, as well as industrial/construction off cut's. Examples include drain pipes, acorns and rocks, material scraps, corks and bottle lids or bamboo construction pieces. Anything that is open ended and encourages a child's imagination as they play! At Kindtokidz we think loose parts are fantastic and encourage parents and educators to find loose parts from around the home, op shops, local businesses or of course through our store - we focus on natural loose parts, which are wooden or bamboo pieces! We also stock a large range of loose parts storage, which includes, baskets, bowls, tray and scoops. Some of the bowls, such as coconut bowl range, can even be used as loose parts in and of themselves! We ship Australia Wide on our loose parts, including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra and more!
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Please make sure you have added at least $69 worth of items from any of the following brands:
Djeco, Le Toy Van, Tenderleaf, Mentari, Folkmanis, Great Pretenders, Manhattan Toys, Tikiri, Bonikka, Mamagenius, Kiddie Connect & Trybike.