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Montessori Toys for 3 year olds through to 7 year olds are part of our Montessori Toys Australia range. While in reality there is no such thing as 'Montessori toys', there are toys which are inspired by Montessori principles, that encourage independence and learning. Self care and washing stations, child size wardrobes, cleaning items, like brooms and dustpans, shelves with toys that are open and withing reach, self correcting toys and puzzles, and toys made from simple and natural materials, are all examples of toys inspired by the Montessori approach. Ages 3-7 is a period of great learning and exploration. Montessori inspired toys will accelerate the independence and growth that kids typically experience during this time. We hope you enjoy browsing our range of Montessori toys suitable for 3 year olds and onwards.
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Please make sure you have added at least $69 worth of items from any of the following brands:
Djeco, Le Toy Van, Tenderleaf, Mentari, Folkmanis, Great Pretenders, Manhattan Toys, Tikiri, Bonikka, Mamagenius, Kiddie Connect & Trybike.