

Play Tables & Activity Toys

  • Le Toy Van Petilou Activity Table

    Le Toy Van

    Le Toy Van Petilou Activity Table

    Le Toy Van Petilou Activity Table is an adorable activity table with plenty of multi-sensory characteristics that provide many benefits for your little one. It is an all-in-one toy, an excellent choice for young kids who are just beginning to explore the...

    $179.95 $139.95
  • Viga Wooden Activity Walker - Crocodile

    Viga Toys

    Viga Wooden Activity Walker - Crocodile

    Viga Wooden Activity Walker - Crocodile Little ones will get a load of fun with Viga's wonderful wooden activity walker featuring a crocodile! With over 9 different activities, this is one perfect toy to place in waiting rooms, daycare centres, and even...

    $149.90 $119.90
  • Viga 5-in-1 Activity Box will keep toddlers busy and engaged!

    Viga Toys

    Viga 5-in-1 Activity Box

    Viga 5-in-1 Activity Box will keep toddlers busy and engaged! This action-packed toy has a bevy of features and can be played with on a tabletop or right on the floor. Kids young and old will find themselves tinkering with the colourful beads, sliders,...

    $139.90 $129.90
  • Bead Maze and Activity Cube

    Viga Toys

    Viga Bead Maze and Activity Cube

    A 5-in-1 wooden learning cube designed to keep toddlers engaged and busy. The Viga Bead Maze and Activity Cube is a delightful toy that includes a shape sorter, clock, chalkboard, tracing, and an amazing bead maze! Certainly a flexible all-in-one toy for...

    $149.95 $129.95