Wooden Stacking Bowls
A gorgeous set of natural stacking bowls which can be used by itself or as bowls for sorting! For sorting, you can use all types of objects, including nature items found outside or some of our great sorting toys from our from our sensory play section!
- Improves fine motor skills
- Increases attention skills, pay attention, stay on task
- Increases self-confidence
- Motivational and engaging for children
- Made by Qtoys Australia from sustainable timber
- Perfect for early learning centres, therapy rooms, Montessori centres, Steiner centres and natural play educators.
Qtoys Natural Stacking Bowls - Shipping & Delivery
#woodenstackingbowls #sortingandstackingtoys #steinerinspiredtoys #naturalstackingbowls #sensorytoys #artandcrafttoys #woodenstackingbowls #perfectgiftforkids
- Ships from Melbourne in 1-2 days
- Free pick up from Tottenham, Victoria. Use Coupon Code: freepickup
- Australia Wide Shipping to all states and territories, including Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney on Wooden Stacking Bowls.