

World Wildlife Day

  • Folkmanis Slow Loris Primate Puppet

    Folkmanis Puppets

    Folkmanis Slow Loris Primate Puppet

    Folkmanis Slow Loris Primate Puppet is a mysterious creature that you would love to get to know. Although not as well-known as other primates, there's a lot to love with the slow loris. Their big, round eyes are as endearing as they are...

    $79.90 $69.90
  • Australian Wildlife and Landscape Toy Set


    Qtoys Australian Wildlife and Landscape Toy Set

    Qtoys Australian Wildlife and Landscape Toy Set is a great way for kids to learn native Australian animals and get connected to our beautiful wildlife in a fun way. It spells hours of imaginative and open ended play!  Awakens human feelings...

    $79.90 $69.90